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Commissions Add-on Gets New Short Code for User Stats

The Commissions add-on, which makes it really easy to track and payout commissions on product sales, has just gotten a new upgrade with version 1.3. Prior to version 1.3, there was not a way for individual users to monitor how well their commissions were doing; 1.3 has fixed this by adding a new short code for displaying statistics about the current user’s earnings.

You can now place the [edd_commissions] short code on any page and it will display the earnings stats for the current user. The stats will be shown in two tables, one for paid and one for unpaid commissions. Paid/until totals will also be displayed beneath each table. See the screenshot below:

A few other updates were made as well, the most notable being the addition of “Unpaid Totals” section added to the Commissions page in the Dashboard. This lets you quickly see exactly how much the store has in unpaid commissions, making it easier for you to monitor how things are doing.

If you’re curious, the commissions add-on is the system used for tracking extension sells for 3rd party developers here on this site.

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