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Envato’s Most Wanted for eCommerce Themes

Envato is running a “Most Wanted” challenge for eCommerce themes right now and has up to $2000 up for grabs for new eCommerce themes that support Easy Digital Downloads and other eCommerce platforms. If you are a theme developer or designer and are interested in eCommerce themes, now is a great time to get started.


This is what Envato has to say about the contest:

Latest trends from PressNomics 2013 revealed that eCommerce functionality is one of the hottest requested features in WordPress websites and themes. So we’ve put a massive $10,000 bounty on the heads of Envato’s latest most wanted file type – WordPress eCommerce Themes on ThemeForest. How do you collect? Be one of the first to submit a WordPress theme with basic eCommerce functionality, or go advanced for a shot at winning one of our many “Best Item” prizes!

We couldn’t agree more.

Easy Digital Downloads is one of the eCommerce platforms eligible for the contest and we would love to see some great new themes built. In fact, we partnered with Envato for this contest and will be personally contributing $1,000 in prize money to the best Easy Digital Downloads theme.

View the full contest details over at the Theme Forest forums.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

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