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Faster, frictionless purchases with saved cards in Stripe payment gateway 2.6


One of the best things store owners can do to help improve their conversion rates is to make the checkout process as simple and smooth as possible. In today’s update of our Stripe payment gateway, we’re happy to introduce a new feature that can significantly reduce friction during checkout: saved cards. This allows returning customers to easily complete new purchases without requiring them to enter their credit card details again. We have also introduced a number of other improvements in version 2.6, which you can read about below.

Saved cards

When enabled from the Downloads → Settings → Payment Gateways → Stripe screen, logged-in customers will be given the option to use a previously-used card while completing their purchase.

Logged-in customers will also be provided with an option to add a new card during their purchase if they do not wish to use a saved card.

If at any point customers wish to update or remove the cards associated with their account, they can do so from the page that contains the [edd_profile_editor] shortcode

In this update, we have also introduced a new reporting view that shows a break down of sales completed with new cards and sales completed with existing cards. This provides site admins with insights into how effective the saved cards feature is for their store.

There are a few important notes regarding the saved cards feature.

First, card data is never stored on your site or your site’s server(s). Cards are saved securely through Stripe’s system and neither Easy Digital Downloads nor site administrators ever know or see the full card numbers.

Second, this saved cards feature is not enabled by default when updating from previous versions of the Stripe payment gateway. To enable it, navigate to Downloads → Settings → Payment Gateways → Stripe.

Third, if you are using Recurring Payments, the Existing Cards feature requires you be using Recurring Payments 2.7.1 or later.

Lastly, saved cards require that customers have user accounts on your site and that they be logged into their account.

Statement Descriptor setting

Easy Digital Downloads automatically sets the text shown on credit card statements to the name of the product(s) purchases. Some site owners, however, wish to change the descriptor to something more specific or meaningful. In version 2.6, we have introduced a new setting in Downloads → Settings → Payment Gateways → Stripe that allows site owners to define the statement descriptor.

Stripe Radar integration

Radar is Stripe’s fraud prevention and detection system that can help site owners reduce the amount of fraudulent activity on their account. It also allows site owners to proactively prevent fraud. In version 2.6 of our Stripe payment gateway, we have introduced support for automatically detecting when an EDD purchase is flagged for review through Radar. When a payment is flagged for potentially being fraudulent, Easy Digital Downloads will now add a note to the payment details screen with a link to the review page in Stripe.

Additional enhancements

  1. The credit card form fields now support browser autocomplete.

  2. Stripe Customer IDs are now stored in customermeta instead of usermeta. An upgrade routine has been included to migrate the data.

  3. All JavaScript in the plugin has been refactored to be more reliable.

Version 2.6 of the Stripe payment gateway is available now and can be downloaded directly from your Plugins page for a one-click update. The new version may also be downloaded from your account page. If you have not yet purchased a license, see the product page for more information.

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