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Software Licensing version 2.1 released

Software Licensing, one of our most notable extensions, has just received a large update that adds support for a highly requested feature: pre-defined license keys for products.

This update will allow site admins to enter a list of pre-defined license keys in the edit screen for products so that when a product is sold, the accompanying license key that gets generated is pulled from this list instead of being a randomly generated key.

Once the new version is installed, you will see a new text box added to the Licensing metabox where you can enter the keys:

Screenshot from 2013-10-29 14:33:39

When a purchase is made and a license key is pulled from the list, the key will be automatically removed so that it does not get used again. Once all of the keys have been used up, Software Licensing will automatically revert to generating its own license keys.

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