Easy Digital Downloads version 1.3 was released a few days ago on October 11th. This version brings several major updates to the plugin, including a completely rebuilt Reports page and new purchase button styles.
The Reports page has been completely rebuilt and now includes new graphs powered by the jQuery Flot library. Along with the new graphs, which I feel provide a much beter visual representation of the sales and earnings of your store, date range filters have also been introduced that let you choose the dates you want to view graphs for. The new graphs can be seen in the screenshot blow:
We’ve gone beyond just bringing improved graphs, however, and have also introduced additional reporting views for Downloads and Customers. The Downloads reports view displays a table of all of your products and displays the total sales and earnings for each product, along with also showing monthly averages for sales and earnings.
The Customers view shows a table of every person that has ever purchased anything through your site. For each customer you can see their email, username (if any), number of purchases, and total amount spent through your site. The customer’s username is also linked to the Payment History page with payments filtered to show only purchases of that customer.
The Reports page is also highly extensible so additional graphs and views can be added via extensions. The Commissions add-on is an example of an extension that adds extra graphs to the page.
With 1.3, the other major change we made was with the purchase buttons. The button styles that were used since 1.0 were based on the designs by Orman Clark have now been replaced with a Twitter Bootstrap style, as seen in the screenshot below:
Along with introducing a cleaner style, the new buttons use much simpler HTML that is dramatically easier for users that wish to customize the appearance of the buttons.
There are additional changes made, and if you’re interested in see what they were, you can read through the change log below:
Completely rewrote the Reports page with new graphs and Downloads / Customers view
Introduced new CSS styles for purchase buttons
Fixed a problem with the add-ons page
Added new EDD_VERSION constant
Fixed a problem with thousands separator and price formatting
Replaced date() with date_i18n() for improved internationalization
Added new edd_before_download_content hook
Added new edd_purchase)history_files hook
Added new filter for edd_is_checkout
Introduced several new functions for calculating average sales / earnings for individual products
Introduced several new functions for counting number of purchases and amount spent for customers
Added a contextual help menu to the Discounts page
Added a contextual help menu to the edit Download page
Fixed a jQuery UI conflict
Added new jQuery UI styles that better match core WordPress styles
Improved data validation throughout the plugin
Fixed a problem with adding items to the cart via ajax when admin/front end http/s protocals are miss matched
Added a filter to remove product titles in purchase receipts
Added new Polish translation files
Fixed the upload field settings field callback JS
Significant cleanup of code formatting and adherence of WordPress coding standards
Fixed missing item description in PayPal checkout
Updated French translation files and default language files
Fixed a problem with the total earnings widget