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Version 1.8 Released


Easy Digital Downloads version 1.8 is out! After more than two months of development, and more than a week in beta, EDD version 1.8 out is ready for widespread use.

This is easily our largest release ever and included several new features that we believe most users will thoroughly enjoy, as well as several dozen bug fixes and improvements, including several substantial improvements to performance.

The highlight for most users and Easy Digital Downloads version 1.8 will probably be the ability for customers to save their carts and restore them when coming back later, but if saved carts don’t interest you, there are also several other new features, including the addition of automatically saved billing info for customers, and the ability to edit it from their profiles, and also the ability to change payment status in bulk.

Here’s a quick run down of some of the major changes:

Cart Saving

With Cart Saving, customers can save their shopping carts and then come back and restore then at a later point. This works exceptionally well to encourage customers and come back and complete their purchase at a later date.

By making it easier for customers to save their cart and return later, you can increase the conversion rate of the customers that need time to think about their purchase.

Better Purchase Button Colors

We have added several new button colors, so now with 8 beautiful button colors to choose from, you will almost certainly find the color to match your site. The buttons are now simpler and cleaner, and just all around better with Easy Digital Downloads 1.8.

By simplifying one of the most important aspects of your digital store, we ensure better compatibility with more themes and easier customization for advanced users and developers.

Better APIs for Developers

EDD_Payment_Stats – The new EDD_Payment_Stats class provides a simple way to retrieve earnings and sales stats for the store, or any specific Download product, for any date range. Get sales or earnings for this month, last month, this year, or even any custom date range.

EDD_Payments_Query – Easily retrieve payment data for any Download product or the entire store. EDD_Payments_Query even allows you to pass any any date range to retrieve payments for a specific period. EDD_Payments_Query works nearly identical to WP_Query, so it is simple and familiar.

Additional Updates

Retina Ready Checkout – Every icon and image asset used by the Easy Digital Downloads checkout is now fully retina ready to ensure your most important page always looks great.

Improved Settings API – The EDD settings API has been dramatically simplified to be more performant, provide better filters, and even support custom settings tabs.

Live Dashboard Updates – The Dashboard summary widget now updates live with the WP Heartbeat API, meaning you can literally watch your stats update live as sales come in.

Category Filters for Downloads Reports – The Downloads Reports view now supports filtering Downloads by category, making it easier to see earnings and sales based on product categories.

Tools Menu – A new Tools submenu has been added to the main Downloads menu that houses settings import / export, as well as other utilities added by extensions.

Bulk Payment History Update – The bulk update options for Payments have been updated to include all payment status options, making it easier to manage payment updates in bulk.


Do not forget that in celebration of EDD v1.8 getting released, we are also offering 15% off all extensions and themes until Friday (October 4th, 2013) midnight.

Complete 1.8 Changelog

  1. New: added Cart Saving feature

  2. New: new button color options

  3. New: redesigned purchase button styles

  4. New: display a notice if the .htaccess file for file protection is not present

  5. New: improved caching compatibility with new cookie that can be detected by hosts and caching plugins

  6. New: “activate” and “deactivate” options added to Discount code bulk actions menu

  7. New: added Downloads > Tools menu for settings export / import and other utility options

  8. New: introduced EDD_Payments_Query class for querying payment records

  9. New: introduced EDD_Payment_Stats class for querying earnings and sales data

  10. New: introduced EDD_Stats base class to be extended by other classes for retrieving data-based data

  11. New: added settings and donate links to plugin action links

  12. New: add email tags for billing address

  13. New: added address fields to [edd_profile_editor] to allow customers to update their stored billing address

  14. New: add status options to Payment History bulk action menu to allow payment statuses to be updated in bulk

  15. New: added WP Heartbeat API to the EDD Dashboard summary widget for live dashboard updating

  16. New: added category filtering support to Downloads > Reports > Downloads

  17. Fix: allow payment status to be translated before inserting the payment note on status change

  18. Fix: tax calculation bug with 100% discount codes

  19. Fix: broken pagination on Discounts page

  20. Fix: missing linebreaks in admin sale notification email

  21. Fix: tax not initially calculated for logged-in user

  22. Fix: better prevent broken download URLs by including index.php in all file download URLs

  23. Fix: typo in states list function

  24. Fix: broken file downloads when using absolute path on Windows servers

  25. Fix: file download limit not working

  26. Fix: price option name not passed to PayPal purchase

  27. Fix: corrupted file downloads caused by ob_flush() and flush()

  28. Fix: file download bug when using a lighttpd server

  29. Fix: email address not checked for existing email when updating user profile

  30. Fix: price option name not displayed on purchase confirmation

  31. Fix: add to cart redirects incorrectly when ajax is disabled

  32. Fix: price assignment for download files doesn’t work correctly with Buy Now

  33. Fix: edd_download_history_row_end action passed wrong variable

  34. Fix: tax calculation incorrect when Prices entered with tax set to “Yes, I will enter prices inclusive of tax”

  35. Fix: PHP notices for settings descriptions

  36. Fix: incorrect label ending HTML tags

  37. Fix: AJAX loading indicator breaks if edd.css is moved to edd_templates folder

  38. Fix: negative Fees (discounts) don’t respect “Taxes after discounts”

  39. Fix: [downloads] pagination doesn’t work on non hierarchical single post types

  40. Fix: stripslashes on discount code name fields

  41. Fix: incorrect label for “Deactivate” in Discount Codes

  42. Tweak: removed the “You have already purchased this” message from the single Download pages

  43. Tweak: small improvements to checkout UI

  44. Tweak: some settings callbacks not using size argument

  45. Tweak: hide Buy Now button behavior option is supported gateway is not active

  46. Tweak: redundant post meta created on Download publication

  47. Tweak: added support for adding default Download metaboxes to other post types

  48. Tweak: added host detection to System Info

  49. Tweak: added a filter to product types to allow new product types to be registered

  50. Tweak: added hex values to edd_get_button_colors()

  51. Tweak: added form_id attribute to [[edd_purchase_link]]

  52. Tweak: dramatically improved the EDD settings API

  53. Tweak: added a column class to the [downloads] short code

  54. Tweak: added SPAN tags around checkoug LEGEND tags

  55. Tweak: automatically update file price conditions when new price options are added

  56. Tweak: fire edd_create_protection_files() on install process to ensure .htaccess file is created in uploads/edd directory

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