Today we are thrilled to announce the official release of Easy Digital Downloads version 2.2. We have been extensively beta testing this release over the last month and are now confident that it is ready for the world.
With over 48 distinct improvements and bug fixes, 2.2 is a major release that has made some significant improvements to the platform. Here are some of the highlights.
Better Purchase Form Options
Quantity Field
The purchase forms now support quantity fields that allow your customers to enter their desired quantity before proceeding to checkout.
Default Selected Price Option
Shop administrators can now select the default price option that is selected for customers.
Price-Specific Purchase Buttons
Purchase buttons now support displaying a purchase form for a specific price option. Simply add the price_id parameter:
[purchase_link id="22" price_id="2"]
Improved View Order Details
The View Order Details screen is likely one of the places you spend the most time in, so shouldn’t it be great? We think so.
Focus on Purchased Downloads
The Download products your customer has purchased is one of the most important parts of this screen, so we have put it up front and in the spotlight.
Easy Access to Important Data
EDD keeps extensive logs of everything that happens with a purchase, including file downloads for the purchase and the customer. We have made this information much more accessible in 2.2.
Linked Transaction IDs
The Transaction ID is now linked directly to the transaction details page of the payment processor, making refunds and cross references easier and more efficient.
Additional Updates
New EDD_Download Class
The EDD_Download class implemented in 2.2 will make it easier for theme and extension developers to integrate with Easy Digital Downloads by providing a simple method to create and access Download product information.
Per-Product Fees with EDD_Fees
The EDD_Fees class now supports per-product fees that can be setup to only be applied when specific products are in the cart.
WP CLI Command for Test Payments
The edd command in WP CLI now supports creating sample purchase data for easier testing.
Improved Tax Settings
The Taxes settings tab has been re-organized to make configuring taxes in your store simpler and more intuitive.
Better Multi-Currency Support
Payment records now properly support historical currencies, meaning that payment currencies will display their original currency even if the shop currency changes.
Improved Product Drop Downs
The product drop downs have been made more intuitive and reliable.
The complete list of changes can be seen on Github.
Version 2.2 can be downloaded from or from inside your WordPress admin area.